The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) has come at a critical time to ensure the global community can increase its ambition to tackle the […]
Joint submission to the Standing Committee on Finance of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, providing recommendations for the “Financing Nature-based Solutions (NBS)” Forum. […]
Parties to the Paris Agreement should use the guidance on NDCs provided by the UNFCCC Katowice Climate Change Package, or “Paris Rulebook,” to consider climate action […]
The views in this submission represent the consensus of the Land Use & Climate Knowledge Initiative, Conservation International, and National Wildlife Federation which have worked together […]
As part of the mandate to finalize the Paris Agreement guidelines for implementation by December 2018, countries need to prepare further guidance on nationally determined contributions […]
As part of the mandate to finalize the Paris Agreement rulebook by December 2018, countries need to prepare further guidance on nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Specifically, […]
As part of the current mandate to finalize the Paris Agreement rulebook by December 2018, countries need to finalize further guidance on nationally determined contributions (NDCs). […]
Due to global demand for commodities, land use change and agriculture emit about one quarter of the global greenhouse gas emissions. Demand for commodities, land and […]
Deforestation is a major driver of climate change and the major driver of biodiversity loss.Yet the essential baseline for monitoring forest cover—the global area of forests—remains […]
This paper shows that more systematic evaluation could boost the effectiveness of instruments and enhance synergistic interaction with traditional public land-use policy instruments to achieve incremental […]